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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Logo Trends 2009

Posted by Fawwaz Siddiqui

Every year some specified styles are introduced in all fields of designing…thanks to Graphic Designing, I must say. Talking about the field of logo designing in particular, every designer tries coming up with exceptional designs and new ideas, giving birth to new logo designing trends.

With arrival of 2009, I added a post on my blog couple of months back; “A Showcase of logo Trends 2009” ….but I guess there are more trends to be shared. With passing years designers are becoming more educated and aware of logo designing styles then they were in previous years. However, this new approach brings me to share more logo designing trends with you. I am thankful to for this additional research on logo trends 2009.

1: Concealed - Hidden Logos:

Such logos which show two or more than two elements hidden with a logo always reveal with certain fascination and adventure. Once you figure out the message successfully, the logo starts appealing you more.

2: Varidot – The Polka Dots:

As it is said for dress designing, that “Polka Dots” are never out of fashion, similarly in logo designing as well, I think dots always add a high degree of speed and arbitrariness.

3: Candy Stripes – The multihued lines:

To make your logo more trendy and happening, designers love to create their logos of multihued lines. Either they are multi-colored ribbons or lined up crayons, such logos give the atmosphere of celebration and joy.

4: Texting – Typographic Logos:

A logo seems to be incomplete without a good typeface, “Nike” logo is exceptional. An excellent logo emerges when text and icon are packed up in a strong way.

5: Encrust – Shaped Designs:

The symbolic texture of these logos does not let consumers vision wander. These are not filled with a traditional pattern but are often illustrated with a unique visual message that gives context and dimension to the shape.

6: Monolgue – Words in Monotones:

It’s true to say “Powerful words carry great weight “as the message to public in delivered in an emphasizing tone. Letters in monotones can contribute their best in letting a business message fly.

7: Doily – The Fancy Swirls:

Lacy and delicate swirls are the new additions to make a logo look fancier. The geometric pattern of these logos covered with embellishments express the message with subtle fragility.

8: Flip Flop – Upside down:

The trend of reading a logo same in upside down position is always exciting. Some are creating exact mirrored images while others display partial inversions. I think, whichever way they are placed, it attracts all types of viewers.

9: Mosaic - The pixels:

Such logos look like a roomful of diverse pixels pushed together to make a visual shape. These pixels being in colorful tones make the logo scene more appealing.

10: Sequential – Be in a line:

To show motion in a logo this sequential concept is followed. This introduction of sequential colored logos will help to define the concept by demonstrating movement and mark harmonious progress of a company.

11: Dandelion – The weed effect:

The concept of the weed effect explains the idea of freedom. Every individual seed makes its own unique journey and relies on the will of nature to determine where it will land and grow. Graphically, logos with this notion mark the liberal and modern approach of a company.

12: Gossamer: The speedy reflection:

Over the last many years we are getting to see an arising trend of transparent and blur logos. Considering them one of the latest logo designing trends I think they will work successfully to demonstrate motion or convey the blending of elements.

I think this research ends you with newest and relevant directions but I would like you to leave with an answer to my question:

“Do you think it is important to follow instructions, rules or current trends while designing logos?”


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