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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 Incredible Photoshopped Pictures – Seeing is believing!!

Posted by Fawwaz Siddiqui

Wonders of Graphic Designing seem to be challenging human abilities who claim to be the most intelligent creature on Earth. Nowadays pictures are manipulated so well with photoshop techniques that one fails to be sure if a picture is real or not.

Well, I decided to compile some amazingly creative photoshopped images which will make you wonder about the prompt advancement of graphic designing. You will find some of them creepy; some are funny while others will just get you evil thoughts. But, one thing is for sure, they will take your breath away.

1 ) Stressed out

2 ) Halloween Grapes

3 ) My eyes

4 ) Rose Milk

5 ) Hair’s your treat

6 ) Kitty in rabbit hole

7 ) Follow your Shadows

8 ) Eye Target

9 ) Dolphin ride

10 ) Mrs. Bean

11 ) Water droplet

12 ) Sea Horse

13 ) Apple peas

14 ) Tangled horses

15 ) Pear baby

16 ) Out of vision

17 ) Godess of water

18 ) Cauliflower Sheep

19 ) Grown up Barbie

20 ) Want my kidney??

If you’ve seen better or created something which can make us doubt our eyes…we’d love to have a look. Don’t forget to share which of these took double glance and insisted you to stare it for few seconds.


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